Hello to members of the English club! Are you ready for the new meetings season? You better be!😊 There's little time left before you'll dive into the new semester, so be sure to schedule some entertaining activities. It will help you relax and make a lot of new friends all around MIPT. What can better than combining something fun and useful at the same time? Nothing! So we invite you to our meetings, which on the one hand will be a source of pleasant talks and a helping hand in English learning on the other. The situation with our meeting place is unclear, we're yet not sure on the number of people who would visit meetings in person. Hence, in the beginning the meetings might be held online on our Discord server. The link to the server you can find on our page. Be sure to become the memeber of the chat of the group as well. (https://vk.com/mipt_ec?w=wall-58265493_936) And now the most important part(!) Since the club has been created by students for students, we want to do everything we can so meetings suit as many ppl as possible. So we'd like you, dear members, to vote for the most suitable time of the week. The poll will be up the whole September so you can change your vote if your plans change.

Теги других блогов: MIPT meetings English Club